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About Us
At soundigits we develop innovative, high quality digital audio software for professional musicians, students, teachers, and music enthusiasts.
MikeLoop is a professional loop machine for live performances and studio sessions for iPad. It is easy and intuitive to understand and a very light weight equipment to bring to your gig. MikeLoop is fun to use for beginners and advanced singers alike. You can develop your first ideas at home with your headphones on and perform your concert on stage. MikeLoop can be a serious instrument or a learning tool. Just start with a few loop functions, turn on the reverb and enjoy the beautiful sound of your voice.
Privacy Notice

We provide a common privacy notice covering our websites and apps. Please follow the link below to read the full document.

Link to Privacy Notice

Legal Notice (Impressum)

As a company based in Germany, we include this so called Impresseum that includes major information required by German law.

soundigits UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Köpenicker Straße 124
10179 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 / 23 93 74 87
Email: info@soundigits.com

Geschäftsführer (Managing Director): Fabian Bronner

Eingetragen im Handelsregister beim Amtsgericht Charlottenburg unter Nummer HRB 241551

Umsatzsteuer-IdNr.: DE353460133


Zur außergerichtlichen Beilegung von verbraucherrechtlichen Streitigkeiten stellt die Europäische Union eine Online-Plattform (“OS-Plattform”) zur Verfügung unter der Adresse https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.

Dispute Resolution:

For settling consumer disputes out-of-court, the European Union offers a platform for online dispute resolution (“ODR platform”) at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.

© 2024 soundigits UG (haftungsbeschränkt). All rights reserved.